Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Eat Dessert First!

I've been bitten by the craft bug again! I feel like it's been a long time since I've really done anything crafty at all. Luckily I have a pretty decent stock of paints and things to paint so it's been cost free!

I ran across this saying the other day (can't remember where) and thought it was cute. Not one that I'll live by since I turn 30 in May and I'd like to enter my 30s a lot less squishy than I am right now :o). But.... it's cute anyway.

I haven't quite decided where to hang it yet but I thought I'd share anyway :o) I'd like my next project to be a Valentine banner but I'm not sure I'm ready to wrestle with the sewing machine just yet. I'll show you if I do though :o)


It's Always Something Around Here said...

Love it! Did you make it?

I have the crafting bug......but I am gonna get my cleaning done first....then start crafting as a reward for all my hard work LOL.

Amy@TheLemonCottage said...

What a yummy little sign!
...shoot, now I'm hungry.
Excited to see your Valentine banner.


Nicolle said...

I love that saying. I think the sign is awesome!!

Before I was married, when I had a roommate, we always ate our dessert first. We said it was because we were adults and we just could!

Happy New Year to you. :)

Jaimie said...

Thanks for coming to visit my blog! I hope you will keep stopping by for my photo journey! : )

I love this little sign, I always eat dessert first haha