Monday, May 26, 2014

week 22

Baby’s size

Your baby is the size of a papaya. Her lungs are developing rapidly, and they will begin making a protein called surfactant, which will help her breathe independently once she's born.
Baby's Length: 10.94 in.
Baby's Weight: 15.17 oz.
How I am feeling
I'm still feeling well.  I think things are going to get interesting as the weather heats up though.  I've been on a thyroid med since my first doctor visit and it gives me hot flashes and an overall feeling of just being too warm most of the time.  It hasn't been too bad yet but it also hasn't gotten too hot out yet.  I'm not the most fun person to be around when I'm hot so Dave might be ready to move out by the end of summer. ;o)

What do I miss
Nothing much, I'm in a pretty good place right now.

Boy :o)

Food cravings
Nothing here this week.

Food aversions
Nothing here, either.

Highlights this week 
*Getting some more stuff out of the office/nursery.  I feel like it's a never ending process.  I did tell Dave that next weekend will officially be Operation Get the Rest of the Crap Out.  We will have everything out by Sunday night.
*Baby started kicking harder in the last week.  I actually felt some dual kick/hits the other day as I felt the low kicks along with some hits up by my belly button at the same time.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

21 weeks

Baby’s size
Your baby is as long as a carrot, and his skin now responds to touch. If you put pressure on your belly, he'll move away or push back.
Baby's Length: 10.51 in.
Baby's Weight: 12.70 oz.

How I am feeling
I felt really good this week.  I've had more back pain but it's just when I'm home and get up from sitting on the couch.  There isn't much support and I'm usually pretty slouched down into the couch so those two things combined doesn't help my back much.

What do I miss
Getting a decent night's sleep.  

It's a boy!

Food cravings
No food cravings but I have been craving Bud Light Straw-Ber-Itas which is weird since I don't drink.  Well, I drink like two times a year so to crave a drink is new for me.

Food aversions
Mostly just trying to stay away from spicy and acidic foods because I have acid reflux all the time.  The last several nights I've woken up with acid coming up.  I've been taking Pepcid AC but it's not working very well so I might need to get a prescription soon for something stronger.

Highlights this week
*I bought two bags of clothes at a rummage sale.  I'm so anxious to buy clothes but everything that is out right now is summer and baby boy is going to need winter clothes to start out so I've been holding off.  This rummage sale had the right size and season clothes and had great prices so I grabbed a bunch of cute stuff.
*Non-pregnancy related but this last week was our last full week of school.  We have a half day with the kids tomorrow and then staff goes Tuesday and a short day Wednesday.  So, so glad summer break starts this week.  Hallelujah.  Amen.
*We got Dave's boxed up stuff moved to his parent's house this weekend.  Now we just have some things to take to my parent's house and Goodwill and we'll be all set to actually start buying furniture for the nursery.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

week 20

Baby’s size
Your baby is now the size of a small artichoke. She may have thin eyebrows and is sprouting some hair on her head.
Baby's Length: 6.46 in.
Baby's Weight: 10.58 oz.

How I am feeling
I had another good week this week. I still have the coughing with puking sensation going on but everything else is pretty good. My shoulders are pretty sore from side sleeping all the time so I'll be going in for a massage soon.

What do I miss
Being able to sleep comfortably.

Gender prediction
Well, we had our anatomy scan on Friday.  Baby wasn't cooperating very well for some of the pictures that the tech needed but he did give us a good view of his boy parts after she jiggled my belly around a bit. :o)  We weren't able to get the 3D picture of his face because he kept it towards my back the whole time.  The tech had me get up and walk around for awhile to see if he'd turn but he never did.  He also liked to keep his feet up by his head so he definitely made the tech work for her pictures.  We do have to go back in four weeks for another look so the tech can get all the pictures and measurements.  I told her I wasn't too heartbroken about coming back and seeing the baby again. :o)

Food cravings
Nothing much here this week.  I've been pretty boring in this category so far.

Food aversions
No changes here.

Highlights this week 
*Top highlight was definitely seeing the baby again.  I told Dave that I thought it'd be an emotional experience for me but since I didn't know what I was looking at half the time it wasn't overly emotional.
*Finally knowing the gender!!
*My mom and I went shopping Saturday for baby stuff.  I bought a few decor items for the nursery that I love and we got a few clothing items.  Sidenote: I was so disappointed/frustrated while shopping for clothes.  There were tons of cute things for girls and then just a tiny section of boys clothes in every store we went into.  Then, all the boys stuff was covered in 1 of 4 things: animals, sayings, sports stuff, or trucks.  I don't mind some of that stuff but I don't want those to be the only things the poor kid wears.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

week 19

Baby’s size
Your baby is now about the size of a mango. His legs are now longer than his arms, and he'll start giving you "hello" jabs at regular intervals, which you may be able to feel if this is your second or third pregnancy. First-time moms still might not feel anything for a few more weeks.
Baby's Length: 6.02 in.
Baby's Weight: 8.47 oz.

How I am feeling
I had a good week.  I was super tired all week long but so were my co-workers so I think it had more to do with the dreary weather than anything.  Sundays seem to be my worst day, for whatever reason.  I'm always more tired with more nausea and headaches.  Dave and I went grocery shopping this morning and I coughed a few times and I could not get my stomach to settle down after that.  I told Dave if I coughed again, I was going to puke all over the floor.

What do I miss
Sleeping on my stomach.  I've always been most comfortable on my stomach but not anymore.  I have these two hard-ish spots near my top ribs and the pressure on those bother me more than the pressure on my stomach.

Gender prediction
Well, this will hopefully be my last post where this is a category.  We go in Friday afternoon for the anatomy scan and I'm really hoping baby cooperates so we can find out the gender.  Dave is still holding strong with his boy prediction.  I'm really thinking girl.  One of us is going to be very surprised. :o)

Food cravings
No cravings this week but I am loving milk.

Food aversions
Nothing really though I did have to dump my cereal out this morning after a few bites because I just couldn't handle it.

Highlights this week
*The countdown to the anatomy scan.
*I think I figured out color schemes for both a boy and a girl nursery.  My mom and I will be going shopping this coming Saturday as long as baby shows us what gender it is.  Time to start the baby shopping!