Monday, January 21, 2013

weekend recap

It was almost three weeks ago when I wrote that I planned to post more often. I haven't written a post since then. Oops.

We went to Sioux Falls on Saturday for a few events.  We went to David's cousin's diaper keg that afternoon.  It was the first one I've ever been to (or even heard of) but it seems like a good idea if you have a lot of drinking friends. Sort of a guy's baby shower I suppose.

Dave and his cousin, Chauncey

All the diapers they received (totally stole this from Chauncey's FB)

We had supper that evening with Tony, Jackie, Sarah, Conor, Annie, and Brian at a restaurant called Acoustic.  After supper, we went to a concert at the Orpheum.  We saw the Hadden Sayers Band.  Not something I'd normally think I'd enjoy but it was fun. The only thing I didn't enjoy was the 50 year old Snooki and her boyfriend in front of us.  Seriously, you'd think by the time you're that age you could handle yourself in public a little better.

We spent most of Sunday just hanging out around home.  I made these scones for breakfast...

I bought them at World Market in the fall and just got around to making them.  I threw some raisins in too... yum!  They were really good.

We did some grocery shopping in the morning but that was our only outing.  This was pretty much my view for the rest of the day...

I did get off my butt for awhile to make some minestrone soup for lunches this week.  I made it last week too and it is so good!  This is the recipe I used.

Dave went outside in the late afternoon and spotted some sundogs so I went out too and tried to get a picture of them. One is on the right side and the other is one the left side just above the tree.

Hope everyone has a great week!

1 comment:

Nicolle said...

I was so happy to see a post from you! Diapers are one of the best gifts ever. My uncle brought over a refrigerator sized box right after I had Boyd, and we could not guess what it was full of diapers. I think they lasted us a year. The 50 year old Snooki comment had me laughing out loud. :) Those scones are yummy! Now I want some. And, your soup looks great. Your last picture us beautiful. I have seen some of those lately in the middle of the day, and had no idea that is what they were called. Now I am going to be looking out for them more often. How cool that you captured them so beautifully! Hope you're having a good day.