Friday, April 17, 2009

Home Wrecker

Last weekend I decided to do a little spring cleaning. I cleaned the patio doors and our little patio too. We have two small evergreen trees on either side of the patio that had been collecting little pieces of garbage every time the wind blew since last fall. I decided to get out our big push broom and push out all the garbage and dead tree needles. Once I was finished my first thought was, "Hmm..I probably shouldn't have cleaned under that tree because we usually have baby bunnies living under there in the spring." Thankfully I didn't have any little bunnies fly out from under the tree with the junk so I thought I was in the clear.

Well fast forward to today. I was walking on the sidewalk in front of our apartment and happened to notice this little guy hanging out.He's so cute! I took a ton of pictures of him and he didn't move at all. I probably scared the crap out of him so he was too scared to go anywhere! I walked over to our patio so I could get a front view picture of him.Cutest little guy (or gal). So anyway I was crouching down on our patio taking his picture when I looked under our tree and saw this: I think you should be able to click the picture to enlarge it.
Crap!! There was a nest (nest? is that the right term?) of little bunnies under the tree after all. I hope the little one out and about isn't the only one who made it through my "home wrecking" ways!

**ETA - I just poked my head out the door and the bunnies are all out hopping around the tree. Apparently one is just a little brave than the others. :o)


Jodi said...

Awwwwwwww...they are so cute!!

Nicolle said...

Oh my gosh! How cute! I have never seen that many of them together at one time. That is adorable!

Frizzy said...

You sure know how to get a person's attention with a title like that! LOL. Cute little things. Talk about a true sing of Spring. Don't ya just want to keep one for yourself?

Unknown said...

How cute!

Kate said...

These little bunnies are adorable!!!

Tammy Kula said...

Those are so adorable! I might have to happen to walk by your house. :)