So, I haven't been around much lately. I feel like all I've done this winter is gone to work and then come back home. I'm hoping that that will change now that the weather is getting nicer. So hopefully I'll have more things to write about soon.
Last night we went to see a play in Sioux Falls called *Avenue Q*. Oh my gosh, I LOVED it! I really didn't know much about it before we went so when the first few puppets came out my first thought was "What the hell am I in for for the next 2 hours?!?" I still don't understand why some characters were just regular people and not puppets but whatever. It was so funny.
There was one song that I particularly loved so I'll share it with you.
There were a lot of really funny parts so if you ever get the chance to see it, I recommend doing so!
Tomorrow is my Friday! I don't have any interesting plans as of now for the weekend but hopefully something will come along. Hope you all have a great weekend!!
Not a lot going on around here the past few weeks. Just been going to work, etc. Nothing too exciting.
This past weekend was a three day weekend for us, which was very nice. We have three day weekends the next two weeks too.
I finally got my hair cut on Friday. It's been awhile since I've done anything with it. My hair hadn't been that long since high school and it was starting to drive me nuts!
I about died when she was finished cutting & styling my hair and I finally got a look at it in the mirror.
The length was fine as I was ready to go quite a bit shorter. But, the curliness of it? Gah, yuck. I have naturally curly hair and apparantly she wanted to play that up. So, I told her I liked it (which I wasn't quite a lie since I just didn't like how curly it was) and paid her. I immediately came home, took some pics, and then ran my straight iron through it.
Ahhh...much better. Just gotta work on that duck tail.
Hope you all have a great week!
PS...Yes, I know I look totally thrilled in my pics. Do you have any idea how "un-fun" it is to take pics of yourself in the mirror?